Bucaramanga, founded on December 22, 1622, is a city situated on a plateau in the northeastern part of the country, within the Andes mountains. It is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in Colombia and serves as the capital of the Santander region. The city’s metropolitan area is home to over 2 million people and boasts one of the best-performing economies in Latin America.
Santander is the cradle of Colombian independence and has three heritage towns within the national network: Barichara, Girón, and Socorro, as well as the amazing Chicamocha Canyon, one of the world’s longest at 227 kilometers in length and 2 kilometers deep. Furthermore, Santander is renowned as the place where coffee was first cultivated in the country. The coffee landscape here is 100% shade-grown, resulting in lush forests that confer unique properties to the coffee beans. Notably, this region is where the Mesa de Los Santos coffee is cultivated at Hacienda El Roble, recognized by Forbes as one of the top 5 coffee farms in the world.
En esta experiencia de un día conocerás en la mañana la Laguna de Guatavita, lugar sagrado para los indígenas en donde se realizaba el ritual de la leyenda del Dorado. En la tarde, visita en Zipaquirá una increíble catedral de sal subterránea.